Dear Doctor: What you didn’t ask

Dear Doctor: What you didn’t ask, and what I didn’t tell you

I am your patient. We have known one another for a long time, and I want to thank you for healing me so many times.

At present, you know me only from annual checkups as a healthy 58-year-old, divorced, Caucasian female; 120 lbs, 5’6″; two adult children; parents and all four siblings living; family history of diabetes, epilepsy, alcoholism, bowel cancer, and heart disease; no medications.

You met me first in 1943 in Pennsylvania. I was a normal 5 lb 6 oz infant, born under general anesthesia. My mother nursed me for eight months, and I grew normally. You were surprised and concerned when I returned in six weeks for a well-baby check and immunizations. I had developed an extremely loud heart murmur, but you assured my worried mother no surgery was needed.



Why We Need to Change Our Stories About Addiction
Recovery is about stories. Stories of hope, stories of change. In addiction, the stories we tell about ourselves do not tend to have happy endings. Rarely are we the authors of our own journeys, and if we were to assign ourselves a character, it would not be the hero/ine. More often we see ourselves as …
Dear Doctor: What you didn’t ask
Dear Doctor: What you didn’t ask, and what I didn’t tell you I am your patient. We have known one another for a long time, and I want to thank you for healing me so many times. At present, you know me only from annual checkups as a healthy 58-year-old, divorced, Caucasian female; 120 lbs, …
Youth Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences
The Alternative Schools Network (ASN) Youth Resilience Project is an initiative that grew from the collective desire to develop and provide additional clinical resources for nonprofit and alternative schools in the ASN Network.  The Youth Resilience Project is dedicated to the cause of bringing knowledge, awareness, and support to schools around issues associated with youth …