Health Care Utilization and Costs Associated with Childhood Abuse


Physical and sexual childhood abuse is associated with poor health across the lifespan. However, the association between these types of abuse and actual health care use and costs over the long run has not been documented.


To examine long-term health care utilization and costs associated with physical, sexual, or both physical and sexual childhood abuse.



Opioid-Dependent Newborns Get New Treatment: Mom Instead of Morphine
When babies are born dependent on opioids, typically they are whisked away from their mothers, put into the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), dosed with morphine to get them through withdrawal, and gradually weaned off the drug—a process that can take weeks. Research now suggests that this long-established standard of care may be the worst …
Substance Abuse Doc Says Stop Chasing the Drug Focus on ACEs
He says: Addiction shouldn’t be called “addiction”. It should be called “ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking”. He says: Ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking (what traditionalists call addiction) is a normal response to the adversity experienced in childhood, just like bleeding is a normal response to being stabbed. He says: The solution to changing the illegal or unhealthy ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking behavior …
ACEs Community School Models
For the past five years, the Hayward Unified School District has been focusing on its lowest-income neighborhoods, transitioning to a “community schools” approach that provides health, social and other services to students and their families. The East Bay Area district south of Oakland offers a case study in the potential of an approach whose goal is to …