Building Resilient Communities with TI, ACE Awareness and NEAR Science
ACEs — Adverse Childhood Experiences/NEAR Science, Adverse Community Environments and Trauma Informed Trainings, Self-Regulation Skills and Resiliency Building, Suicide Prevention, and Restorative Justice. Since 2018 over 1,000 community members trained representing 80+ organizations now able to train others.
To address the current and pressing needs during COVID-19, additional virtual training platforms and capacity are under development to assist communities with current training initiatives in TI awareness, resiliency building, organizational TI development, self-regulation.
Phoenix School of Roseburg, Cow Creek Health and Wellness Center, Peace at Home, and our local Child Advocacy Center Douglas CARES are engaged in a three-year agency-wide TI training process utilizing the only evidence-supported model for TI organizational change (Sanctuary).
To further increase community TI alignment across service sectors, a cost-effective train-the-trainer model is currently being developed to provide ongoing training of additional agency cohort groups.
Engagement with Umpqua Health Alliance, consultation with Southern Oregon Success (SOC), presentation at the Trauma Informed Oregon statewide Conference, and participation in Trauma Informed Community (TIC) tool testing and development.
Over the past five years, CCR has established itself as the catalyst organization for a cross-sector movement. We connect and convene agencies representing multiple sectors. Based on our trainings offered, Douglas County agencies and organizations now have trained staff using a TI Building Resiliency lens.
With key health and education organizations now part of the network, CCR is in a position to further engage and support Key Leaders and Systems of Care Partners in developing community TI and Building Resiliency principles, policies, and practices. With increased capacity to align and engage, the ambitious, attainable goals for our county set forth in CCR’s “next three years” strategic plan are critical and achievable.
Enhance capacities for coping and resilience
Promote positive social bonds
Promote cohesion through ACE-aware policies
Support policies for economic stability