Runaway and Homeless Youth, Mental Health, and Trauma-Informed Care

Young people run away or become homeless for a variety of reasons, many of which can be linked to psychological and emotional trauma. Whether it’s abuse, the consequences of living in poverty, a lack of empathy and support for their self-identity, or some combination of the three, runaway and homeless youth (RHY) often experience significant challenges to their happiness and well-being. Many confront this situation even before they encounter the perils of setting off on their own. Once they run away,  they are susceptible to a host of additional dangers and health risks, many of which can exact additional tolls on their mental health.



What Happens When a “Behaviorist” has Dinner with a “Trauma-Informist”
Let me tell you, dinner with a behaviorist is an experience, a somatic experience.  Lily (name changed to protect her 😉 ) and I shared Indian food two nights ago in Keene, NH. As I shuffled into the restaurant ten minutes late (typical me), I rounded the corner and saw her sitting at a table …
ACEs Community School Models
For the past five years, the Hayward Unified School District has been focusing on its lowest-income neighborhoods, transitioning to a “community schools” approach that provides health, social and other services to students and their families. The East Bay Area district south of Oakland offers a case study in the potential of an approach whose goal is to …
Urban Teens Propose Violence Prevention Strategies
When urban teens were asked to identify solutions for reducing violence in their New Haven, Connecticut community, their recommendations were loud and clear: They hoped for better employment opportunities, more after-school activities, and a cleaner city environment. The teens’ suggestions are the culmination of a unique project called Youth Haven in which 12 youth ambassadors …